Одним из больших улучшений медиа системы на основе Kodi является возможность изменять внешний вид с помощью разнообразных skin-ов. Я использую Kodi / XBMC вот уже много лет, и на протяжении долгого времени моей любимой skin остаётся Aeon. На данное время (начало 2018 года) последней версией является Aeon MQ 7, которую разрабатывают активисты в Бразилии. К…
Author: Alexander Yermakov
Windows update breaks GRUB on dual boot machines
It’s pretty widely known that major Windows updates may affect dual boot machines. This is what I’ve run into with my dual boot machine – Windows decided to install a major update and in doing that broke GRUB that managed my boot options. Few google searches later I’ve run across many ways of addressing the…
Installing KeePassX 2.x in Linux Mint
2018 Disclaimer: I’ve since switched to KeePassXC. More on that here. It’s been a little while since I’ve started playing around with Linux Mint on my laptop. It took me very little time to install few major applications and all seemed good. Then I run into a situation which prompted me to convert my desktop…
Adding NEF preview to Linux Mint file manager Nemo
If you want to be able to preview NEF (Nikon raw) images in Linux Mint’s file manager Nemo, you need to do the following: Open Preferences window for Nemo file manager from Edit -> Preferences menu Switch to Preview tab within the Preferences window Set “Show Thumbnails” to Always if you want to show thumbnails…
Reconnecting a bluetooth mouse in Linux Mint upon reboot
I use a bluetooth mouse with my laptop (never could understand manufacturers pushing their proprietary USB wireless peripherals – why take up a USB port when all laptops have bluetooth built-in). When I installed Linux Mint (version 17.3) it has connected to my mouse just fine and I was able to use it with no…
SSD drives and Linux
Here is what I’ve done on my laptop to ensure better longevity of my shiny new SSD. The idea is to minimize write unnecessary write actions on the drive to prolong it’s life. For this I’ve followed few different sources, with one of them being the most specific and prescriptive. Ensure that your drive is…
Linux vs Windows
Well, it’s 2016 and the most recent Windows release (10 that is) is getting more and more bad publicity with the security and privacy issues. I have been looking at upgrading to Windows 10 but with all the news decided to try Linux. Again. I decided to switch my laptop first. Just recently bought a…
D800 focusing issue. The end.
Haven’t had time to post here about the saga with my D800 (previous posts are here and here). After much debate with Nikon Richmond Service center I got referred to the corporate office in Mississauga, Canada. Even though originally it seemed like my issue was going to be ignored further, I actually got good service…
DNG files preivew in Windows Explorer
In case you use DNG format for your raw images, there is an add-on for 64bit Windows OS that allows preview in Windows Explorer. For more details please visit the vendor’s site.
Wireless remote for Nikon D800
There are many uses for a camera remote – you may need to secure your camera on a tripod and ensure that there is no shake to the camera when shooting, or you may need to expose for long time or maybe you want to just take a picture with yourself in the frame. My…